Positive student engagement support
At our school, teachers are expected to explicitly teach and reinforce classroom and non-classroom behaviours. Teachers are expected to have a robust classroom management plan for their class that is visual, clearly articulated and understood by students and parents.
The 3 school expectations are:
We are Safe
We are Respectful
We are a Learner
What is PBL
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) is a framework for enhancing adoption and implementation of continuum of evidence-based interventions to achieve academically and behaviourally important outcomes for all students.
PBL is about
• Social and emotional learning • Reducing restrictive practices • Quality Instruction • Data-based decision-making • Problem-solving • Precision Decisions | • Teams/ collaboration • Teaching/ Instruction • Mental health • Safety • Supporting needs • Maximising instruction time • Academic engagement
PBL Mission Statement
Harris Fields State School is committed to providing a safe and supportive learning environment for all students and staff.
Our aim is to inspire students to succeed, meet expectations and inclusivity.
All areas of Harris Fields State School are learning and teaching environments. We consider behaviour management to be an opportunity for valuable social learning as well as a means of maximising student engagement for academic success. Our school-wide framework for managing behaviour is taught in weekly explicit lessons.
When PBL is implemented effectively, a safe and supportive learning environment is provided for all students.
Students and staff benefit from:
- increased academic instructional time for students
- improved social climate of the school
- increased numbers of students displaying positive behaviours
- support for students, teachers and families which is matched to their needs
- systems that support an instructional approach
- consistent delivery of effective program
Whole School Positive Acknowledgement System
Tokens and Class Dojo points are used as a whole school reward system. Tokens are coloured to match 3 school expectations; Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be a Learner. Teachers can give students tokens/dojos in class and during lunch breaks to reinforce positive behaviours. Most importantly, immediate specific behaviour feedback is given when a student receives a token/dojo.
e.g. “Thank you for being respectful by treating others kindly and helping Jones when he was upset"
Individual Reward System
Tokens and Class Dojos are collected by individuals and recorded into token tracker booklet by the teacher. Teachers will stamp the reward tracker booklets with the PBL stamp.
Rewards are reviewed and changed by the PBL team. The rewards are retrieved at the PBL prize store.
Discipline Improvement Plan
A Discipline Improvement Plan will be developed by stakeholders, including parents, for students requiring support in managing their behaviour.
Please refer to the school’s Student Code of Conduct (PDF, 1434KB) for further information.
Annual Report (2022)
2022 Annual Report.pdf