Harris Fields State School strives to achieve “optimal learning for all”. Students from Prep to Year 6 engage in learning that promotes investigation, questioning, higher order thinking and problem-solving.
Teaching and Learning programmes are developed using both the Australian Curriculum and Essential Learnings and standards developed by Queensland Studies Authority. Teachers tailor their programs in order to meet the specific learning needs and interest of the students in their class. The curriculum allows students to explore and build their knowledge and skills in the following Learning Areas:
Health and Physical Education
The Arts (including Music, Drama, Visual Arts, Dance and Media)
LOTE – Indonesian (Years 5 and 6).
Harris Fields State School features a Technology Room, Music Room, and Visual Arts Room, with specialist teachers in Visual Arts, Health and Physical Education, Music and Technology. Computer Education is an integral part of the curriculum.
Our pedagogical practices are guided by world-renowned research and the values and beliefs of our vision statement including that all members of Harris Fields State School (teachers, students and community members) will:
give of themselves to others in service and the quest of justice
through curiosity, discover the world; and
excel through exploring and cultivating their gifts and talents.
Specific programs are also individually developed for students who require additional support. With an emphasis on Literacy, Numeracy, Physical Education and The Arts, Harris Fields Curriculum is designed to provide a solid foundation for every student.