Student members of Harris Fields State School Student Council are nominated by their fellow students at the end of the academic year prior to Year 6, and as such, represent all students in the school and organise ways for students to participate in school life.
Harris Fields State School's Student Council is made up of the School Captains and Vice Captains, Indigenous Leaders, House Captains and student leaders from each Year 6 class. Their primary role is to build connections between students and the school, to provide a platform for students' voices and opinions, as well as to provide an excellent foundation in leadership training and opportunities.
Some of the main activities undertaken by these students include:
- Improvements to the school environment and facilities (water bubblers and gardens)
- Organisation of events (such as lunch time activities)
- Participating in school events (Under 8's Day and Sports Day)
- Fundraising
Harris Fields State School's Student Council gives an opportunity for all students to have their say. Firstly, in a more formal meeting where all representatives meet, put forward proposals to the meeting, discuss these and vote on them. Secondly, in a more open forum where any student can raise an issue with a student leader to place on the formal agenda for a rational discussion and debate about the issue. This process ensures the students' voices are heard and their opinions valued.
The Student Council is coordinated by Year 6 school teaching staff. The Council meets at least once per week; however, Student Council representations are aware of extra time required by them on occasion as part of their commitment to the role. Some of the common characteristics of student representatives are commitment, a sense of responsibility to their local community, enthusiasm, a strong sense of work ethic and the possession of leadership qualities.